Welcome To
Wickenby Museum
Open 10am – 4pm Wednesday to Sunday
RAF Wickenby – this week in history brings you the fascinating stories of RAF Wickenby, this week but back in wartime.
Museum Opening Times:
10am to 4pm Wed-Sun or by appointment
Wickenby Airfield Cafe Opening Hours:
Wed-Sun 10am to 4pm
Entry to Wickenby Museum is FREE but donations towards our running costs are gratefully received. You are welcome to visit without booking; however if you are coming for research purposes and want to speak with a volunteer or to look at documents in the archive it is important that you contact us first to make sure someone is available. The Wickenby Museum Archive is only accessible if a volunteer is present.
Large groups can be catered for but only by appointment and we can make arrangements to open out of hours, please contact us to make a booking.
Wickenby Aerodrome
Wickenby Aerodrome has been an active airfield since the 1960s, and was used as a satellite station for
operations by Lancaster Squadrons 12 and 626 during World War Two